With a lot of help from our recent graduate Amber Miller, we have made some tutorials to get you started making your own games.  We would love to see what you have made (and maybe even include them in our exhibition!).  Please get in touch and show us!

Get signed up to Scratch

You’ll need to sign up for a free Scratch programming account, details here – https://scratch.mit.edu/

You should be able to use Scratch on a basic computer or tablet – it works in your browser.  Scratch lets you programme using blocks and has built in drawing and sound tools so you can make your game unique.  There are lots of resources on the site and you can also play and remix (edit to add your own ideas!) games other people have been working on.

Our Arcade Games Tutorials

These tutorials will help you get started making some classic arcade games – these are designed so you can add your own stories to the games and develop them further.

The Tutorial Games You can play all the test games here and then decide which one you want to make.

Getting Started – Make your first game!  -This  session will  help you get logged on to scratch and make your first mini -game.

Classic Arcade Games – Make Frogger/ Crossy Road – have a go at making the classic road crossing game and see if you can save the frog.

Classic  Arcade Games – Super Simple Snake

Classic Arcade Games – Space Invaders

Classic Arcade Games – Make Pong –Pong is one of the first games ever made – and you can play against a friend!

Once you have made these – how can you combine what you have learnt to make something new and exciting?

Other Scratch Resources


There are loads of brilliant resources here, but you can also search the whole Scratch community and ask for help from “Scratchers”