I am a Chartered member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Following a PhD in human visual perception (Aston University and Royal Holloway College, London) my research has focused on how humans perceive, pay attention to, and interact with their visual world – particularly within active, real-world contexts. Current work is exploring visual-motor integration in children and adults with dyslexia (with Jon Kerridge and Barbara Piotrowska), and the relationship between creativity and attention in young adults with and without ADHD (with Lindsey Carruthers and Rory MacLean). More about my research can be found on my Academia.edu page.
More recently, I have become interested in the effects of mindfulness practices on cognition and emotion in children and adults, and have a honorary role within NHS Lothian assisting with the delivery and evaluation of a pilot group therapy programme for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
My teaching interests are mainly in cognitive neuroscience: I lead the level 2 module “Biological Foundations of Behaviour” and contribute to the level 3 module “Brain and Cognition”. I also have responsibility for organizing the final year honours project modules, convene the staff-student liaison committee, and act as the school’s disability contact for students with additional support needs.
I am always happy to discuss potential collaborations or research supervision, so feel free to contact me (a.willis@napier.ac.uk).