Congratulations to our SEBE research student winners in the recent Best Paper Competition.
- 1st prize: Ruth Saint, Whole-life design and resource reuse of a solar water heater in the UK, published in Engineering Sustainability
- 2nd prize: Juan Bernal-Sanchez, Particle-scale interactions and energy dissipation mechanisms in sand-rubber mixtures, published in Géotechnique Letters
- 3rd prize: Leonardo Binetti, Simultaneous measurement of temperature and relative humidity using a dual-wavelength erbium doped fiber ring laser sensor, published by IEEE
Any paper accepted in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings may be submitted to the competition.
The papers are evaluated on the basis of four criteria:
- Originality: the innovative character of the paper. Papers that demonstrate originality may engage with new and/or complex problems; develop innovative research methods, methodologies and analytical techniques; provide new empirical material; and/or advance theory or the analysis of doctrine, policy or practice.
- Significance: whether and how the paper has developed the intellectual agenda of the field. It may be theoretical, methodological and/or substantive.
- Rigour: the intellectual precision, robustness and appropriateness of the concepts, analyses, theories and methodologies deployed within the paper. Account will be taken of such qualities as the integrity, coherence and consistency of arguments and analysis, such as the due consideration of ethical issues.
- Presentation: the ease with which the reader can determine what the author is trying to present.
The Best Paper Competition will run again in 2019-20.
The awards were presented at a SEBE research seminar on 3rd October, the first one for the new academic year. SEBE research seminars take place every other Thursday between 13.00 and 14.00. The presentations are preceded by a light lunch at 12.30, which offers an opportunity for networking to research students and staff members.
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