We are delighted to announce that a Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) application for funding competition from Innovate UK, has been successful and awarded to Dr Suha Jaradat as Project Lead. The project is in collaboration with CSY – (Cameron, Strachan and Yuill Architects), a firm of Chartered Architects operating from four offices across South East Scotland and North East England.
The aim of the KTP is to develop and implement an innovative and bespoke framework and recommendations to enable a more effective integrated systems approach to underpin growth of an SME in four strategic areas. This integrated approach is commonly referred to as BIM (Building Information Modelling and/or Management) and comprises tools, processes and technologies that are facilitated by digital documentation about a building, its performance, planning, construction and operation. Dr Suha Jaradat and Prof Mark Deakin from SEBE shall work on the project.
Well done Suha and congratulations CSY. I knew this was happening obviously but good to see it now in place. Pleased to have helped it along.