Research Methods

Here are some good research methods literature within the OM/SCM subject area.

A good starting point (other than the general RM texts) is the edited text, compiled by Prof. Christer Karlsson. This is available in the ENU library collection (including a eBook). You will find that chapters are previously published papers – some of them are noted below. However, I do recommend looking through this text as it provides a collection of articles on the most used research methods in OM/SCM. It covers:

  • Researching operations management
  • Introduction to research methodology in operations management
  • Surveys
  • Case research in operations management
  • Longitudinal field studies
  • Action research
  • Modelling and simulation 

I would imagine that the majority of students will want to read the two introductory chapters and learn more abour surveys and case research. MBA students may also want to read into ‘action research’ (UGs can do this too, but not common).

Karlsson, C. (2009). Researching Operations Management: Routledge.

Available as an eBook.

I would describe my own research to follow predominately an ‘action research’ and ‘modelling’ method, which may incorporate some of the other methods mentioned. More specifically, I would describe myself as a ‘Operational Researcher (OR)’ using ‘problem structuring methods (PSMs) / Soft OR’ techniques. Now I don’t think I have come across many UGs using these, yet my PhD candidates, are most likely to be using the latest thinking in this area and/or advancing them.  Here is an introduction on PSMs in Rosenhead (1996, 2006). I have not listed below the techniques that I have been using recently – you can see this in the reference list from my own ‘publication/output’ listings.
Beach, R., Muhlemann, A.P., Price, D.H.R., Paterson, A. and Sharp, J.A. (2001) The role of qualitative methods in production management research, International Journal of Production Economics,74, 201-212.
BINDER, M., and EDWARDS, J, S., (2008) Using grounded theory method for theory building in operations management research: A study on inter-firm relationship governance, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30(3), pp. 232 – 259.
COUGHLAN, P. and COGHLAN, D. (2002) Action research for operations management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(2), pp. 220-240.
Croom, S., (2002) Methodology Editorial, Special issue on research methodology in Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management 22 (2) 148-151.
DUBOIS, A., ARAUJI, L., (2007) Case research in purchasing and supply management: Opportunities and challenges, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 13(3), pp. 170 – 181.
ELLRAM, L.M. (1996) The use of the case study method in logistics research, Journal of Business Logistics, 17(2), pp. 93 – 138.
Forza, C. (2002) Survey research in operations management: a process-based perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22, 152-194
FLIPPINI, R., (1997) Operations management research: some reflections on evolution, models and empirical studies in OM, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 17(7), pp. 655 – 670.
Karlsson, C. (2002) Guest Editorial: Special issue on research methodology in Operations Management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22 (2) 141-147.
Martinez V. and Albores P. (2003); “Qualitative research in OM: criteria for evaluation”; EUROMA Conference; Lake Como, Italy, June 16-18; Vol. 2 pp 959- 968.Meredith, J. (1998) Building operations management theory through case and field research. Journal of Operations Management, 16 (4):441-454.
MEREDITH, J. R., RATURI, A., AMOAKO-GYAMPAH, K. and KAPLAN, B. (1989) Alternative research paradigms in operations, Journal of Operations Management, 8(4), pp. 297-326.
SEURING, S.A. (2008) Assessing the rigor of case study research in supply chain management, Supply Chain Management: A International Journal, 13(2), pp. 128-137.
STUART, I., McCUTCHEON, D., HANDFIELD, R., McLACHLIN, D., SAMOSON, D., (2002) Effective case research in operations management: a process perspective, Journal of Operations Management, 20, pp. 419 – 433.
PLATTS, K.W. (1993) A process approach to researching manufacturing strategy. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 13(8), pp. 4-17
Voss, C., Tsikriktsis, N. and Frohlich, M. (2002) Case Research in Operations Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22, 195-219.
Wacker, J.G. (1998) A definition of theory: research guidelines for different theory-building research methods in Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, 16 (4):361-385.