Registration is now open for the 2016 Teaching Fellows Conference
Thursday 7th January 2016, 09:30 – 16:00 (with registration from 08:45)
First session: Lyndsey Stewart Lecture Theatre, Craiglockhart
Registration is now open for the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference. The Conference promises to be both interesting and informative – with over 20 presentations in the parallel sessions, a wide range of posters, and a selection of workshops, there is guaranteed to be something for everyone.
Registration is from 08:45 in the Craiglockhart foyer with the conference starting at 09:30 in the Lyndsey Stewart Lecture Theatre. Bacon/veggie sausage rolls will be available at registration, together with a juice bar for those of you who are ready to start your post-holiday detox!
Highlights include:
Keynote Speaker: Professor Chris Atton from the School of Arts and Creative Industries, whose talk is entitled “Teaching and research: the academic balancing act”. This should prove both timely and informative, as we strive to balance all of the competing demands on our time.
There will also be a number of short, focused and interactive parallel sessions, and an opportunity during coffee to view the posters in the break room.
The workshops which were offered last year proved popular, and we have decided to offer them again this year, namely:
- Submitting a case study to the LTA Resource Bank
- Developing a conference paper
- Developing a paper for journal submission
- Applying for HEA fellowship
We are also offering an additional workshop this year, which is especially beneficial for those who have a pastoral role towards students, or who work in student support: Supporting students with mental health issues.
This is a great opportunity to network with your colleagues and pick up new ideas for teaching and supporting student learning. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please book your attendance using the link below. You can also view the parallel session topics here and book for both these and the workshops. There will be an opportunity to book sessions on the day, but booking now will ensure that you are able to find a space in your first choice sessions.
- View the Conference schedule on the Conference site
- Book your Conference attendance using HR Connect
- View the parallel sessions on the conference site
- Book your parallel sessions using Eventbrite (some users have experienced difficulties with this using Internet Explorer, although Chrome and Safari appear to be ok)
Registration closes on 16 December 2015.