Resilient and positive event futures with Associate Professor Martin Robertson

Associate Professor Martin Robertson, has recently given keynote presentations at international conferences*1 *2 (2024), as well as presented related research to his colleagues in the inaugural 2025 Tourism Research Centre research seminar*3 at Edinburgh Napier University.

In different ways, each of the above present research to determine processes of stakeholder involvement in successful ‘future visioning’ for a sustainable future. In each, the United Nations Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) are proposed as vital conduits.

Throughout my career in academia, I have always sought to provide a learning, teaching and research experience that is professionally and socially useful – and encourages positive forward action. Sustainability, resilience, regenerative capacity, social justice, and future vision methodologies are key components of this work. I think my research publications, as well as current and past consultancy collaboration, evidence this well.

Very much grounded in Edinburgh, and Scotland, I have nonetheless lived and worked in many countries. Collaborations with researchers in Australia, Denmark, England, New Zealand, Sweden, and Wales have made me very aware of the truly exciting and profoundly global nature of our subject (s). This is true for our students, our research students, our colleagues, and the places in which live and visit.

As well as publishing widely in my research area, I am also proud of the books (six) and journal special issues (eight) I have co-edited. They serve to stimulate thinking and knowledge around the world. The capacity to share knowledge in a world that has a great many challenges – socially, environmentally, and politically – inspires me. If this stops, I stop!

Here, in Edinburgh, I enjoy the benefits of our wonderful city. It never ceases to amaze. I am very lucky to be living and working in such a great environment. A great location to (en)vision a great future.

*1 Robertson, M. (2024) Keynote speaker: ‘Sustainable events and Net Zero’ 5th International Conference on Tourism and Business (ICTB). Mahidol University International College Bangkok, Thailand (August, 21-23)

*2 Robertson, M. (2024) Keynote Speaker: ‘Learning for future challenges: tourism futures and deep learning applied to teaching the UN SDGs’, 2nd Tourism Futures Convention 2024 (TFC), Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Heilbron, Germany (November 13th)

*3 Robertson, M. (2025) Research presentation: ‘Business Events and the Efficacy of UN SDGS for the Knowledge City’, Tourism Research Centre Seminar, Edinburgh Napier University (February 5th)