Natalie Reguis from SEBE is the winner of a funding bid from the TAPAS network.
TAPAS (Tackling Air Pollution At School) network is led by Paul Linden from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics from the University of Cambridge. It is a multi-disciplinary and multi-institution project, one of six networks funded by the NERC (National Environment Research Council) under their Clean Air Program.
Natalie has recently (September 9-24 2021) participated in the TAPAS Collaboration Building Workshop (#TAPASCollab). The workshop saw 24 participants and 9 mentors for different field of expertise brought together to develop innovative projects which will engage pupils and teachers in improving air quality. There was a competitive application process of funds for small projects/scoping studies as part of the workshop.
We are excited to say Natalie’s project is one of the three projects TAPAS has decided to fund. She will look at the benefits of having visual CO2 sensors in classrooms on the comfort, health and wellbeing of teachers.
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