RIO is inviting applications for the 1st round of 2019-20 SFC GCRF internal funding scheme.
The funding for this initiative comes from the Scottish Funding Council 2019-20 Global Challenges Research Funding (GCRF) allocation of which the University received £88,000 .
The SFC GCRF funding is aimed at supporting activity such as:
• Capacity and capability building in the UK and developing countries.
• Pump-priming activities to under-pin GCRF bids to other funders, including relationship building.
• Small scale pilot projects with developing countries
RIO would like to invite bid proposals from researchers who are intending to apply for GCRF funding in the future and require ‘pump prime’ funding now to under-pin GCRF bids. This can include travel to start building relationships with collaborators in ODA countries through to small pilot and foundational projects. Proposals from researchers should outline the total amount of funding required and detail what the funding will be used for (for example flight and accommodation costs). It should also detail why the funding is necessary and how the funds will meet the ODA and GCRF supporting activities (listed below).
Please note that there is a requirement to use this funding on eligible activity by end of June 2020. All successful project are required to provide a final report( including expenditure) of the project outcomes by 31st of July 2020.
Activities should align with the GCRF Strategy and BEIS ODA Statement of Intent which were published at the end of June 2017:
• UK Strategy for the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)
• Research & Innovation: Official Development Assistance (ODA) Statement of Intent
ENU SFC GCRF Pumpriming Application
Applications should be sent to: Angela McNaughton a.mcnaughton@napier.ac.uk by 1600 on Wednesday 23rd October 2020.
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