Dr Katerina Steventon, Senior Innovation Consultant from The National Biofilm Innovation Centre is coming over to ENU Sighhill Campus Monday 30th of September 1300 till 2.30pm (room to be confirmed)
The National Biofilms Innovation Centre is an Innovation Knowledge Centre (IKC) jointly funded by the BBSRC, Innovate UK, and the Hartree Centre. The NBIC aim to connect scientists specialising in Biofilms across the UK, and to provide a mechanism for industrial partners to explore their unmet needs with NBIC researchers . With NBIC roadmapping sessions and conferences, they aim to facilitate the exchange of problems , solutions and ideas in the biofilms sector. Through their PhD and Post-Doc programs, NBIC will nurture researchers to grow their expertise . NBIC will also provide entrepreneur training to our researchers to help them better understand the commercial environment and encourage the start-up of Micro and SME businesses.
The School of Applied Science has form links with the National Biofilm Innovation Centre and the University is now a member of the NBIC. This allows us to have a access to different resources and has a great opportunity for funding calls via the NBIC. More information: https://biofilms.ac.uk/category/open-funding-calls/
National Biofilm Innovation Centre
Katerina is keen to learn more on the kind of research that is taking place in the University that links with the NBIC wide remits and industry.
If you would like to attend the meeting please contact:
Nina Hakanpaa n.hakanpaa@napier.ac.uk
Simone Dallas s.Dallas@napier.ac.uk
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