On this page you will find teaching opportunities across the university. Some of these might be for students from specific schools but many are available to students from all schools.
If you are a programme leader or lecturer and have an opportunity to advertise please get in touch: amy.king@napier.ac.uk
IMPORTANT: When responding to an advertised teaching opportunity is would be helpful if you could provide as much detail about your current status as possible. It is helpful to state whether you
- are a full-time or part-time student
- are in possession of a Student Experience Contract (SEC)
- have other work commitments at the University
- have experience teaching and/or teacher training
Academic year 2022/2023, Trimester 2
Module name: Introduction to Criminology
Module Leader / contact email: Kirstin Anderson (K.Anderson@napier.ac.uk) and Christine Haddow (C.Haddow@napier.ac.uk)
Brief description of work: We have an opportunity for a student to mark 50 Introduction to Criminology scripts. This assessment consists of two short essays (850 words each) chosen from four questions on defining crime, theoretical perspectives on crime, how crime is measured, social divisions in relation to crime theories of punishment (submissions will not cover all these topics). The students select questions to address from presented options. Marking guidelines and preparation to mark session with the module leader, Kirstin Anderson, will be provided. Marking will be completed online via Turnitin in the module Moodle space. Please contact K.Anderson@napier.ac.uk and C.Haddow@napier.ac.uk with details of any relevant experience to express interest.
Period of work: Students submit on Monday 24 April 2023 and marking should be complete by 8 May 2023 (two weeks).
Details of payment: 40 mins per script x 50 scripts = 34 hours at £18.20 per hour (Grade 5 Point 29 on salary scale, gross will include pension costs).
Academic year 2022/23, Trimester 1
Module name: Introduction to Sociology
Moodle number: SSC07101
Module Leader / contact email: Mandy Winterton; m.winterton@napier.ac.uk
Brief description of module content: This is a first year compulsory module that is taken by students across social science, criminology and psychology programmes. Many students will have no prior knowledge of sociology, and this module introduces students to key concepts and skills. At the outset there is an emphasis on Mills’ Sociological Imagination, and the aim is to help students to recognise and reflect on common sense assumptions that often mask social inequalities. We then help students to find and evaluate sources of evidence, and to make early inroads in applying theoretical frameworks, to develop more informed insight into social divisions (e.g. gender, social class, ethnicity etc) and in various contexts (e.g. education, health, migration). The module introduces students to selected sociological cannons, and the tutorial programme combines academic readings of key texts, study skills guidance and exercises, and lots of encouragement for students to searching for evidence (large quant data sets, qual/quant academic research) to be discussed in class.
Pattern of teaching to be covered: three, one-hour tutorials per week. Thursdays 9-10, and Fridays 9-10 and 10-11. No teaching in week 6. There may be some flexibility re class times.
Period of cover: Trimester 1, weeks 2-5 and 7–12. (Week 6 is an independent study week with no scheduled classes.)
Required background, skills or knowledge: at least an UG degree in Sociology, preferably MA also. Enthusiasm for the discipline is key, as is an ability to adapt to diverse classroom environments. Some students will be more or less confident in their understandings, others will be more or less sceptical about the relevance of the discipline for their futures. Can you help them to develop and appreciate new ways of looking at the everyday world?
Any other salient information: You will be joining a large module, with regular support amongst a group of four dedicated tutors. There is one summative, written assessment at the end of the module. We do not envisage that you will be required to mark assessments. Should you want to, for your professional development, we will consider it of course.
Academic year 2022/23, Trimester 1
Module name: Quantitative Research (SSC08108)
Module leader / contact: Dr Sarah Anderson – s.anderson2@napier.ac.uk
Brief description of module content: The module is a basic introduction to quantitative research, and covers positivism/post-positivism & the scientific method, research design (experimental, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional & longitudinal survey design), measurement, sampling and questionnaire design, ethics, descriptive statistics incl some charts, chi-square, t-tests, correlation & regression (linear & logistic). The course is in two parts: weeks 2-6 covers research design (tutorials) and weeks 8-12 covers descriptive & inferential statistics and is SPSS computer tutorials. Assessment is in two components: a written group research proposal (with a formative presentation of this in week 6), and an in-class test.
Pattern of teaching to be covered: TBC – we need support to cover 1 x 1 hr class per week with 18 students per class. For week 2-6, cover is needed either Tuesday afternoons 5-6pm or Thurs 5-6pm but times are subject to change in week 8-12, so some flexibility is needed. Other tasks will include marking your student’s assessments, providing formative feedback on group presentations, and providing email support in response to student queries.
Period of cover: Weeks 2-12 (no classes in week 7). Teaching is in person.
Required background, skills or knowledge: At least a Masters level course in quantitative research/statistics, or equivalent practical experience (desirable to have experience at PhD level). Confidence in the module content outlined above. Familiarity with SPSS.
To apply: email s.anderson2@napier.ac.uk
Academic year 2022/23, Trimester 1
Module name: Understanding Social Science Research (SSC07103).
Module leader: Nick Cimini
Brief description of content: The module is an introduction to social science research methods – including both qualitative and quantitative methods. It also includes a study skills element that runs throughout the module. Tutorials involve 1. some study skills sessions, 2. some hands-on engagement with quants/quals data, and 3. preparing for the assessment by closely reading and discussing examples of contemporary research. In the assessment, which consists of a 2,000 word essay, students are asked to pick one of these example pieces of research and to write critically about the method/s employed.
Teaching pattern: Tutorials are one hour every week (Weeks 2 to 12) with the exception of a two hour computer lab on Week 6 (in which students will be introduced to SPSS)
Required skills: Colleagues working on the module will need to have basic/introductory level skills in both quants and quals. Tutor handbooks will be provided.
To apply: email N.Cimini@napier.ac.uk