Time and Place
Friday 19 May 2017, 10am-3pm
The Rivers Suite, Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus
The ageing of the population will have a significant impact on labour market and employment practices, as increasing numbers of older workers remain in work. Research has consistently found a lack of systematic plans by businesses, to prepare and benefit from these demographic and labour market changes.
This workshop will hear from a range of speakers about the potential workplace implications of the ageing population. The business case for, and best practice in, workplace age management will be discussed. These discussions will be underpinned by research on a range of key sectors in the economy.
Speakers include: Age Scotland, the University of Edinburgh, NHS Health Scotland, and the University of Glasgow, the University of Leicester, STUC. More details will be posted soon.
This workshop will be particularly useful to: employers with an interest in learning about workplace age management; equality and diversity professionals; occupational health professionals; policy makers and practitioners.
We hope that you will be able to join us!
Places are free, but limited. Please RSVP Dr Valerie Egdell (v.egdell@napier.ac.uk) or Vanesa Fuertes (v.fuertes@napier.ac.uk) by 12 May 2017.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
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