February 5, 2020
REF 2021, Research information management, Training
Promotion, REF2021, Research data, research metrics, training, Worktribe
Changes to team staffing Alison McIlveen has joined the team to support REF as a REF officer. Ceri Bain has been promoted to REF project manager. Lindsay Ramage is now the Head of Research Governance. Training: Sessions related to research…
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November 21, 2019
Research information management
Research data
After a review of research data practices across the University in accordance with the University research data management (RDM) policy and external requirements on good practice around research data, including open data, it has been agreed by the School Heads…
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October 14, 2019
Research information management, Training
GDPR, ORCID, Research data, Research Professional, Worktribe
Sessions related to research information management have been organised for the next few months as follows: Classroom/group sessions Bring your own device Worktribe session : 17th October – 10am-11:30am – G8 Merchiston Data Management Session : 7th November – 10am-11pm…
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August 2, 2019
Ethics, Research information management, Researcher integrity
ethics, GDPR, Research data
The University generates a lot of research data each year. This needs to be managed securely for the integrity of the research we do. As a researcher you need to ensure that the data you generate is managed securely in…
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July 19, 2019
Research information management
research metrics
Research metrics, also called bibliometrics or citation metrics, are quantitative measurements designed to help you or others evaluate research outputs. They might include measurements such as times an article is cited, journal impact factor measurements, social media mentions, the h-index, news media…
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June 13, 2019
Research information management
DORA, ORCID, Research data, Research Professional, Worktribe
Over the past months we have been working on a number of projects in the areas of research information and governance. Some highlights are below, including the times over the summer where you can access for training, advice or discussion…
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April 29, 2019
Research information management
open access, Research data
What is a Data management plan? Research data management is a way for you as a researcher to manage your data during the lifetime of a research project. You can demonstrate how you will do this via a data management…
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March 7, 2019
REF 2021, Research information management
Outputs, Publications, REF2021, Worktribe
How we will assess the quality of an output for REF As part of the preparations for REF2021 we are assessing the quality of research outputs for inclusion in our submission. To do this we are scoring all the eligible…
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January 18, 2019
Research information management
integrity, intellectual property, Publications, Research data
Research data management (RDM) is a way for you as a researcher to manage your data during the lifetime of a research project and beyond. Why? sticks (requirements) and carrots (benefits)! Policy compliance: Research funding comes from public money. Funders…
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September 21, 2018
Events, Research information management
events, Research news, Worktribe
Research news stories and events can be recorded in Worktribe as part of your profile. Guidance on how to do this can be found on the RIO intranet research management pages. There is an approval step between adding the information…
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