Researcher Skills Forum 2023 – Day One Mon 20th March

This event has now taken place.

10.40 – 11am Registration and tea/coffee 

11 – 11.30am Welcome and introduction
Professor Nick Antonopoulos
Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice Principal of Research & Innovation

PowerPoint Slides

11.30am – 12pm Data protection for research  
Diana-Leigh Watt 
Information Governance Manager 
What research participant personal data are you collecting? Are you planning surveys or interviews?  Diana-Leigh Watt, the University’s Information Governance Manager, will discuss how to process personal data for research projects in a way that complies with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and UK-GDPR. This includes completing governance documents, where required, for Data Protection compliance purposes. 

This session maps to the RDF’s sub domains of Knowledge base (A1), Professional Conduct (C1) and Research Management (C2). 

PowerPoint Slides

12pm – 1.30pm Lunch and Research Café  

Come for a free lunch, meet other researchers, and find out about the support available to you as a researcher at Edinburgh Napier University. The Research Café will be a fun and interactive fair-style event with stalls from support services throughout the University, including Researcher Development, the Library, IT, HR Health/Wellbeing plus Learning & Development, Careers and Academic Skills.  
Take part and win a John Lewis voucher! 

1.30 – 2pm Communicating your research: my pathway to a TED talk  
Professor Emma Hart   

In this talk I will describe the steps that led from making my research available on a university website to standing on the TED stage in Palm Springs in December 2021 talking about evolving robots!  I’ll talk a little about the TED process itself (and why you can have confidence in any TED talk you watch!) and what happens after you have given a TED talk in terms of wider engagement. 

Related: Emma Hart – TED talk Self-assembling robots and the potential of artificial evolution

2pm – 3pm Energy MOT : Go from exhausted to energised 
Dr Sarah Taylor 
CEO- Thrivewise 

As a busy researcher, you know you need to be at your best physically, emotionally and mentally to achieve your biggest goals without burning yourself out in the process. When you have good energy, everything feels easier and more joyful. But being low in energy can create a downward spiral that is hard to break. You lose motivation for healthy habits. You are too tired to exercise and you crave calorie-dense foods. Perhaps you rely too much on caffeine to get through the day and alcohol to relax on an evening. Both impact your sleep. You feel sluggish and like you’re just going through the motions. You feel frustrated because you know how much more you could achieve if only you had the energy. You probably already know what you should be doing to have good energy, but you feel too busy to do it. Sadly, many people spend their whole life in this low-energy state. 
To break the cycle, you need to re-set and re-calibrate your energy levels with an energy MOT.  

PowerPoint Slides

3pm-3.30pm On research culture and how to “make it” as an academic
Dr Phiona Stanley  
Deputy Head of Research: Research Culture 
There are two new-researcher initiation stages: the PhD and ECA (Early Career Academic) phase. This session examines these experiences and unpacks why they can feel rather ‘intense’ (!), drawing on theorizing from management studies and educational psychology. We will consider these central questions: as researchers, what can we do to feel like we’re part of a bigger research culture? How can we survive —and perhaps even thrive and find joy— during these times of be(com)ing academic? What are some tips and tricks we should know and learn, but also how might we make sense of our experiences in ways that help us enjoy the experience as we “make it” in our academic careers?   

Related article: An Autoethnography of “Making It” in Academia: Writing an ECR “Journey of Facebook, Assemblage, Affect, and the Outdoors. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 27(4), 2022.

3.30pm Networking and close 

Feel free to stay as long as you like. Tea/coffee and afternoon pastries will be provided.