Healthcare continues to be one of the most politically important yet divisive issues for voters and politicians within the UK. Despite the high levels of support for the NHS, the notion of a universal health care provider is seemingly under constant challenge. From the New Labour introduction of internal markets and the increased influence of commercial providers in performing NHS contracts, the increasing introduction of market forces into the public health provider continue to cause a great deal of controversy. Likewise, the retrenchment in public sector spending since the Great Financial Crisis and the Conservative (and coalition) governments – resulting in real terms spending cuts on the NHS – have put greater levels of pressure on those who work in the NHS than ever before. The current winter crisis and the junior doctors’ strikes of 2016 have drawn attention to the increased pressures on the NHS’s service provision.
This event is concerned with ‘working in healthcare’ broadly. This event aims to bring together academics researching work and employment in the health care sectors both to discuss their work and to provide a place to build a network of researchers interested in working collaboratively in the future.
Date and Venue
The event will take place on Tuesday 8th May 2018, 10:00-16:30
It will be hosted at Edinburgh Napier University’s Sighthill Campus (EH11 4BN), which is home to the largest nursing training school in Scotland.
Currently confirmed to speak at the event is Dr Jo Grady who is Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations at Sheffield University presenting empirical research on the Junior Doctors’ contract negotiation and subsequent strike. Dr Gavin Maclean and Dr Vanesa Fuertes will be presenting work on a recent project investigating the work of dentists and issues around commercial pressures in this very particular form of ‘body work’. More speakers will be announced in due course.
In addition, we are seeking contributions to the event from researchers active in the area. We are keen for papers on the key themes of this event:
- Commodification, marketisation, outsourcing and commercial pressures in health care work.
- The effects of austerity on the ‘work’ of health care.
- Employment relations, industrial disputes and collectivism within health care profession.
- Management and audit in health care.
- Experiences of work in health care at all levels – particularly issues around intensification, stress and managing wellbeing at work.
- Emotional labour and body work
Abstract deadline
Abstracts of 250 words should be sent to G.Maclean@napier.ac.uk by the 2nd March 2018 with speakers informed of their acceptance by the following week.
The event is free – A small buget is available for travel costs for some presenters (PhD/ECR prioritised). Register for the event at this link.
Gavin Maclean, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University
Vanesa Fuertes, Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University
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