Lynne Turnbull's poster detailing benefits and methods of use of simulation for MSc Physiotherapy students.

Active Learning: Simulation in MSc Physiotherapy

The introduction of Simulated Patients (SPs) increased fidelity and contributed to a deeper learning experience for students. Find out about how Lynne Turnbull implemented inter-professional active learning for MSc Physiotherapy students.

The Great Big EDI Challenge. There are illustrations of creative and media equipment such as musical instruments, cassette tapes and televisions, cameras, headphones and people communicating.

The Great Big EDI Challenge in the School of Arts & Creative Industries

The School of Arts & Creative Industries (SACI) are holding a competition for students to enter coursework on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, with input from organisations representing a broad range of EDI considerations. DLTE colleagues attended the session where students heard from speakers representing these organisations.

Annual Monitoring: Emergent themes, commendations and external recognition from 2021/22.

Annual monitoring provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the provision being delivered across the Schools, enabling areas for enhancement to be identified, and examples good practice to be highlighted and shared with colleagues.

Quality and Standards Committee recently discussed the School Reports, the emergent themes, and the good practice and achievements identified and highlighted through the exercise.