Information sheet and consent form

We would like to invite you to take part in a research study. Before you decide you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully. Talk to others about the study if you wish. Ask me if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.

Once you have read the information below you can decide if you would like to take part in the study. If you do wish to take part, you should print and sign the consent form at the bottom of this page.

‘Information Avoidance and diabetes’ is a research project being carried at Edinburgh Napier University. It started in November 2019 and will continue until July 2020.


Overall Project and Purpose of this Study

This research is concerned with information avoidance in healthcare, with a specific focus on diabetes. You are invited to share your thoughts on how you access, use and engage (or don’t access, use and engage) with information about your diabetes. By taking part in the project, you will contribute to understanding the causes of information avoidance by people who have long-term, self-managed health conditions, such as diabetes.

Why have I been invited?

You have been identified as a person with diabetes or a healthcare professional who works with people with diabetes.

Do I have to take part?

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you are free to refuse to take part or to withdraw from the study at any time without having to give a reason. You can choose to not answer any question – without having to give a reason – if you do not withdraw.

What is involved?

This study will be conducted via a semi-structured interview estimated to take one hour. Interviews will be conducted via Skype, phone or any other video- or audio-channel method that suits you. (We cannot do face-to-face interviews now because of coronavirus.)

Things to note

  • Participation is voluntary and participants can withdraw at any time.
  • All data will be anonymous and participation is confidential.
  • Data will be encrypted and stored on the Edinburgh Napier University computer system, in a part that only the team-members can access.
  • Edinburgh Napier University ethic processes have been completed for this project.
  • Interviews will be audio- or video-recorded, then transcribed, then the recordings destroyed.
  • Results of the study may be published or otherwise made publicly available. However, no person will be named or identifiable from this information.

You will be asked to sign a form saying that you are willing to participate in the research. This form will explain what will be asked and what will happen to any information which is collected. You will be given a copy of this form to keep.

If you would like to know more about this research please contact the researcher, Dr Bruce Ryan, at or on 07909 504328. If you have questions that cannot be answered by the researcher, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr Gemma Webster, at

Informed consent form (informed consent part II)

Edinburgh Napier University requires that all persons who participate in research studies give their written consent to do so. Please read the following and sign it if you agree with what it says.

  1. I freely and voluntarily consent to be a participant in this research to be conducted by Gemma Webster & Bruce Ryan, who are staff members in the Edinburgh Napier University School of Computing.
  2. I have been informed of the broad goal of this research study. I have been told what is expected of me.
  3. I have been told that my responses will be anonymised. My name will not be linked with the research materials, and I will not be identified or identifiable in any report subsequently produced by the researcher. I have been told that these data will be analysed within the School of Computing. I have been told that these data may be submitted for publication.
  4. I also understand that if at any time during the study. If I feel unable or unwilling to continue, I am free to leave. That is, my participation in this study is completely voluntary, and I may withdraw from it at any time without negative consequences.
  5. In addition, should I not wish to answer any particular question or questions, I am free to decline.
  6. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the study and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
  7. I have read and understand the above and consent to participate in this study. My signature is not a waiver of any legal rights. Furthermore, I understand that I will be able to keep a copy of this consent form for my records.

____________________________ _____________________

Participant’s Signature                     Date


I have explained and defined in detail the research procedure in which the respondent has consented to participate. Furthermore, I will retain one copy of the informed consent form for my records.



____________________________ _____________________

Researcher’s Signature                    Date