Colin McKay to join the Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law
Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law
School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University
We are delighted that Colin McKay will be joining us as a Professor in March 2020. Currently the Chief Executive of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland he previously held many senior positions within the Scottish Government including leading on mental health law reform and head of civil justice. He is currently a Board member of JustRight Scotland as well as a member of the Expert Advisory Group to our Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law and a Visiting Professor with the Centre. He and Professor Jill Stavert also co-organised a law reform scoping exercise resulting in the 2017 Scotland’s Mental Health and Capacity Law: The Case for Reform report (Edinburgh Napier University and Mental Welfare Commission ) which has influenced the establishing of the current Scott Review of mental health law in Scotland. He is a Professional Advisor on the Scott Review’s Executive Team. Whilst initially concentrating mainly on the Review the intention is that Colin with be working with Jill Stavert and other colleagues within the School of Health and Social Care to further develop the work of the Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law and other related activities.
22 January 2020

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