Dissertation Submitted!
Today is the official submission date for dissertations for my course! Exciting times, but I must admit it does feel a little weird not having to worry about it anymore. I handed in mine a couple of days ago and I feel a little empty. I’m sure I’ll get used to this soon though 🙂 Now it’s time to work on the last big group project (which is worth 100%) and then my time at Napier will be done. SAD TIMES!
When you’ll get to this point yourselves, you may find that you’re a little lost. However, if you’ve been working on your ‘what to do after uni’ for a while I’m sure you’ll be fine. And if you haven’t…well, now it’s a good moment to start!
Don’t be afraid to ask your tutors for advice, they’ll be happy to help you figure out what’s the next step. I am very glad to be able to say that the support I received at Napier went well beyond the academic side of it, but helped me realise how to proceed after graduation.
If you’re not sure you’d like to complete your fourth year and so to complete your dissertation, think about it twice: you are given the chance to research a topic that you’re interested in, and so to create an incredibly valuable document for you and potential job applications afterwards. Why wasting this chance? 🙂
You won’t be left alone and you’ll find all the support you need to succeed. Also in terms of international students support, Napier will give you the chance to; attend free English classes to improve your second language (although these classes are open to everyone, not only to internationals), find out more about your credit transfer, help you with documents to travel around Europe. To find out more just follow the link. Furthermore, great support is also given by ISAS which works under the Edinburgh Napier Students Association (NSA). ISAS not only can help in matters of academic issues, but also with:
- Funding, Money Management and Debt
- Housing – tenancy, deposits, disputes etc.
- Immigration and Visa issues
- Employment rights
- Health and welfare
- Consumer rights
- Problems on course – appeals, complaints etc.
As you’ll be able to find in the link I just provided, “Advisers are here to listen, help you explore your options, and make an informed decision. They will not judge you or discuss your situation with anyone else outside ISAS unless you give your permission for this to happen. Where necessary they will write letters on your behalf and/or make telephone enquiries, accompany you to meetings and/or formal University hearings with the aim of negotiating a solution or resolving the problem.” If you feel like you could benefit from this, please email isas@napier.ac.uk.
To sum up, my point wanted to be that either if you’re a local or if an international student you’ll be able to find all the support you need. So don’t be afraid to make the next step and become a Napier student! Pack your bags and be ready for four amazing years which culminate with an amazing project that will open many doors for your and your career 🙂
Tags: best international support, Best international support Edinburgh Napier, Best Scottish University, Edinburgh Napier University, Education, England, international student, International students Edinburgh Napier, ISAS, ISAS complaint, ISAS Edinburgh Napier, ISAS NSA, Napier, student, Thesis, University Scotland, Visa
As you are approaching the results for your degree at Edinburgh Napier, there is something you should do before you move here and freak out about the cost of living: being a student in Edinburgh is fantamagic.
In fact, your student status will allow you to get many discounts in several stores around the city. I know it sounds crazy (especially if from where you come from you’re lucky to get a special price just for your transportation), but here’s a list Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: cheap, Discounts and allowances, Dorothy Perkins, edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Edinburgh Napier University, New Look, Princes Street, River Island, Student discount, student life, students, Topshop

Edinburgh Napier 2013 – 2014 Undergrad Prospectus
Hi there peeps!
I bet you’re all super nervous/excited as in about one month you’ll all know if you’re admitted to study at Napier. Try not to freak out too much and be positive: if you’ve done your best and you really hope to get in, you will:) I still remember when I was waiting for the results, four years ago..hard to sleep, hard to wait! But then the results day arrived and
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Carlotta, edinburgh, Edinburgh City of, Edinburgh Napier University, Napier, Napier New Zealand, New York City, New Zealand, Oceania, Royal Mile, scotland

The Meadows during Spring!
Hi there chaps!
I guess many of you are very happy about the beginning of Easter Break this week 🙂 I will mostly spend my break on editing my dissertation, BUT when you’ll start your career as a student here in Edinburgh don’t miss out this breakdown list – or you’ll regret it!
1. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: apply, Arthur's Seat Edinburgh, Bruntsfield, Bruntsfield Links, Easter, edinburgh, Holland, Meadows, Princes Street, Pub crawl, Spring break, study edinburgh, to do
Hi there everyone! I know, I know..it has been a while! The dissertation is taking my time away – and time is running out, too! Submission is less than a month and now I’m about to finish my first draft. Just enough time to start proofreading, editing and printing 🙂
However, today I really wanted to tell you a little more about the weather here in Edinburgh, as lately it has been one of the main Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Arthur's Seat Edinburgh, Australia, Brazil, California, Calton Hill, China, edinburgh, India, Napier, New Zealand, Princes Street, Princes Street Gardens, scotland, scottish, study, weather
Hi everyone,

Best Dissertation Food Ever

I hope you all had a great break and that you’re all ready to go back to your studies. These next six months are going to be intense: things start getting a little stressful here, as it’s time to go crack on with the dissertation, which is an extended research project in a topic that you choose and that relates to your degree. Despite stress, I am very lucky for the support I get from my dissertation supervisor. If you are scared of applying to Napier because of this project, don’t be: there will Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctorate, edinburgh, Education, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Representation, Napier, Research, student, Technical Papers, Thesis, Topic Maps, Topic–comment, United States
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
This weeks I’d just like to underline another experience that definitely marked my exchange abroad, and that I’ll always be grateful for: my internship with Scent Sciences Corporation, a tech company (startup, at the time!) based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara.
As soon as Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Bill Wiles, career, Christmas, edinburgh, Experience, graduate employability, Internship, Napier, Napier New Zealand, San Jose State University, Silicon Valley, United States, university, working in the US, workplacement, workplacement overseas

My friend Ka Wing & I with Phil, our communication lecturer.
As last week I briefly talked about my study abroad/exchange experience, I thought that it was not enough! This week I’d like to give you some more insights about what exchange can offer. Given that, what I’m gonna talk about is the difference in academics and the opportunity to travel.
First of all, the the UK system is really different to what I found in the US. When you start studying at Edinburgh Napier, you must get used to tight deadlines and high-value assessment (e.g. 60% and 40%, or 70% and 30%). Despite there are usually fewer assignments (including exams), research needs to be really deep and thought through. On the other hand, what I found in the US was more frequent coursework and more opportunities to get extra credits (and so to raise your overall grade) – although research did not need to be as detailed as it needs to be at Napier. Grades are another main difference: my average in the US was A – which definitely
helped my self esteem! 🙂 Here in the UK, you pass with 40%, get a merit with 65% and you’re a genius if you take 70% or more (and even genius grades don’t usually get to over 85%). Now, it may sound scary – but the fact is that if your average is 70% you still can get a degree that is worth it 1:1 (First). So this is a warning for both students who are planning on studying abroad in the US, as well as US students who are coming to study here….just, don’t freak out, you’re fine 😉 In both cases, Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: deathvalley, edinburgh, exchange, Hawaii, ISEP, Lake Tahoe, Los Angeles, mount rushmore, roadtrip, scotland, study abroad, travels, United States, US, Yosemite National Park
Hi everyone! Last week I talked about meeting friends from all over the world here at Napier, which made me think of the topic for this week: Study Abroad.
The fact that I moved to Edinburgh from Italy was already a sort of ‘study abroad’ experience for me, although I could not resist when I saw all the opportunities offered by the University to expand my studies in another country. Napier offers exchange opportunities for one or two semesters, either in Europe, US, China and even Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Academic term, Australia, California, China, edinburgh, I-House SJSU, Italy, Napier, San Francisco, San Jose State University, Study abroad in the United States, United States
When I first moved to Edinburgh I did not know anyone. But that was the engine of my enthusiasm to start with uni and meet all my new friends. If you are about to move to Edinburgh and  don’t really know what’s gonna happen, please keep reading:)
Since the very first Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: edinburgh, Edinburgh City of, Edinburgh Napier, Edinburgh Napier University, Education, English language, Hong Kong, international student, Napier, Public relations, Robert Louis Stevenson, scotland, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, student, Student orientation, student support, studying at Edinburgh napier, studying in Edinburgh
Dissertation Time
Best Dissertation Food Ever
I hope you all had a great break and that you’re all ready to go back to your studies. These next six months are going to be intense: things start getting a little stressful here, as it’s time to go crack on with the dissertation, which is an extended research project in a topic that you choose and that relates to your degree. Despite stress, I am very lucky for the support I get from my dissertation supervisor. If you are scared of applying to Napier because of this project, don’t be: there will Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by zorzicarlotta on 23 January 2013 in Academics, Dissertation, Edinburgh, Future, Student Life
Tags: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctorate, edinburgh, Education, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Representation, Napier, Research, student, Technical Papers, Thesis, Topic Maps, Topic–comment, United States