Changes to team staffing
Alison McIlveen has joined the team to support REF as a REF officer. Ceri Bain has been promoted to REF project manager.

Lindsay Ramage is now the Head of Research Governance.
Sessions related to research information management have been organised for the next few months as follows:Drop-in and bookable time sessions on topics such as:
Worktribe – profiles, ref scoring etc
Research data management
Data protection related to research
Sighthill: LRC1 | Craiglockhart: Cyber cafe |
18th Feb | |
11th March | 3rd March |
14th April | 2nd April |
For assistance at Merchiston this is by appointment only, so please get in touch. For any other questions about these sessions please contact:
Lindsay for general information. if you are having difficulty booking on the classroom/group sessions and would like to secure a place
Group sessions for Worktribe, research data management and GDPR for research will be advertised on the learning events sections in HR connect or the intranet – likely March/April.
Every Feb we have a minor update to the system to introduce additional functionality. There may be some disruption later in Feb/early March.
Research data management
The process for RDM for awarded projects changed at the beginning of the year – a reminder of this can be found in this post
Metrics for assessing research quality/impact
At RIC in November the University statement on responsible research metrics was approved.
This is related to this post:
Responsible metrics to describe outputs will now be part of the academic and researcher promotions rounds that opens in Feb. Details of this will be covered in the applicant briefing and guidance.
R&I web profiles
There will be updates to the research web profiles on the University webpages in the week of 10th Feb. This was due to happen in December, but was delayed. Hopefully you will like the new look!