Research Innovation Enterprise

Horizon Europe Funding

Horizon Europe

Tuesday 23 February (12.00-2.00pm) Branwen Hide, UK Research Office, Brussels (UKRO): Register here.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, which will succeed Horizon 2020. As part of the Trade Agreement reached between the UK and the EU, UK researchers and organisations will have access to Horizon Europe programmes on equivalent terms to EU countries. UK organisations can have continued access to collaborative R&I funding, infrastructure and markets via the Horizon Europe programmes, and can lead and influence key collaborative projects. UK experts can continue to take part in evaluations and join expert groups, and the UK can participate in Programme Committees with speaking rights, access to information and documentation.

Branwen is the University’s UKRO aligned representative providing us with extensive expertise in European funding. Branwen is also the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for both MSCA and European Research Council (ERC).

Branwen’s presentation will cover:

1. The association of the UK to Horizon Europe
2. Horizon Europe structure and priorities for funding
3. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The Horizon Europe programmes will provide many opportunities to undertake collaborative R&I projects and we encourage all researchers to attend this event.


Click here to book your place. The meeting link will be forwarded to everyone registered 5 days before the event.