1. Free / Open Source Resources

Below is a curated list of open-source resources related to Animation, VFX, and Games.

*If you have a recommendation you’d like to see added, please feel free to reach out via the contact page and email your suggestions.

2. Academic journals and links

*A collection of scholarly journals and curated resources related to Animation, VFX, and Games, providing valuable insights and research for professionals and students alike.

2.1 Scotland

2.2 Animation academic journals

3. Reading list

  • 3.1 Animation

*Animation is an incredibly vast and multifaceted field. No single book can comprehensively cover all aspects of animation and its evolving trends. Each title on the recommended reading list offers a unique focus, whether it’s character animation, layout, or movement, providing valuable insights into specific areas of the craft.

4. Useful links

*Useful links include trade bodies, networks and organisations.