WAVE 1 – pilot – Native BSL Signer via JustSign ltd – 2020

  • Below is the first wave of proposed BSL signs for animation terminology. A native BSL signer developed these new BSL signs based on animation terminology identified during a class tutorial at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU). This research was funded by the ENU Public Engagement Fund.

*Below is the list of terms (with their meanings) and their proposed BSL translations.

Feedback Opportunity
If you wish to provide feedback on the proposed sign(s)—whether you agree or disagree with the suggested BSL sign—or if you would like to propose an alternative, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
1. Uniform ScaleThe Uniform Scale tool is identical to the Scale tool, except that you may haul anywhere in the viewport and all three axes are constrained, forcing all scaling operation to be uniform. This ensures the mesh does not become distorted when scaling.

[Source: Foundry]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
2. TorusA torus is a unique three-dimensional shape that looks like a donut. Swimming tubes and car or bike tubes are typical examples of the shape of a torus.

[Source: MathMonks]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
3. Steering cube

*Note: may need an update term
The View Cube [or Steering Cube] 3D navigation control provides visual feedback of the current orientation of a viewport, lets you adjust the view orientation, and also switch between standard and isometric views.

[Source: Autodesk]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
4. Standard PrimitivesGeometric primitives [or Standard Primitives] are familiar as objects in the real world such as beach balls, pipes, boxes, doughnuts, and ice cream cones. In 3ds Max, you can model many such objects using a single primitive. You can also combine primitives into more complex objects, and further refine them with modifiers.

[Source: Autodesk]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
5. Splash ScreenAn image that appears on the screen of a computer, mobile phone, or other electronic device when it is first switched on, or when an app or program is starting

[Source: Cambridge University]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
6. Plane

*Note: not to be confused with Aeroplane
A plane in 3D space can be thought of as a flat surface that stretches infinitely far, splitting space into two halves.

[Source: alexharri]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL

Animation / Game term:Definition in written English
7. Geometry3D Geometry is used to represent a point, a line, or a plane with reference to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively. The three-dimensional geometry has all the concepts similar to the two-dimensional coordinate geometry.

[Source: Cuemath]
Proposed BSL SignDefinition in BSL