Findings and Analysis


Results (17-01-2025)

The outreach strategy to BSL interpreters for an Animation-focused event proved to be successful. Prior to the event, BSL Interpreters were invited to identify terms they believed lacked a BSL sign. This approach yielded alist of 122 terms [Appendix 1] that might require new BSL signs, surpassing initial expectations of just a few terms. This method of data gathering provided both the audience and interpreters with exposure to current and essential terminology from industry experts. The identified terms varied according to the event’s program and speakers, with Interpreters categorising these terms based on the speakers’ schedules at the Animation event.

Table 1 – Summary of Animation/Games Terms Groupings

KeyUnderlineMore than one version of the BSL sign
BoldA sign exists
[*]A term broken to separate words
Broader term (taxonomy)Grouping of Narrow Animation / Games term (taxonomy)
GeneralAnimation, Anime, Art (general context), Calligraphy, Cartoon, Comics, Concept, Designing the life cycle, Drawing (Contextual), Layout, Location, Models, Production process, Puppets, Shot-based designs of effects, WIP (Work-in-progress)
FilmmakingComped frame [Comped / frame], Script, Shot
Computer Generated termsColour keys, Composition (Comp), DMP (Digital Matte Painting), Groom, Installation, Lighting, Rendering & Compositing (LRC), Macro level, Multi-Frame Display (MFD) scene illustration, Palette, Pipeline (Animation pipeline), Platforms, Pre-grade, Previs / Pre-vis (Previsualisation), Props, R&D (Research and Development), Rendering, Surface, Visual Effects (VFX)
Computer Generated lighting[*Lighting] Lighting, 3-point lighting setup method, Ambient Lighting, Ambient Occlusion (AO), Area Lighting [*Area / Lighting], Directional Lighting, Global Illumination (GI), Point Lighting, Spot Lighting
Departments/ teams[*department / team] Art department, CFX (Character FX), Edit/ Editorial team, Pipeline & R&D (team) [*Research & development], Production team, Rigging, Technical Directors (TD) team [* Technical / Directors]
Roles[*Artist / Coordinator / Assistant] Animator, Art Director, Assistant Editor, CFX (Character Effects) Artist, CG (Computer Generated) Supervisor, Character Artist, Compositor (VFX – Visual effects), Concept Artist, Crew Coordinator, Desktop Support, Developer [*Desktop / Support / Developer], Digital Marketing Apprentice [*Digital / Marketing / Apprentice], Director, DMP (Digital Matte Painter) Artist, Editor, Executive Producer [*Executive / Producer], Facilities Assistant, FX (Effects) Artist, Groom Artist, HRAssistant (Human Resources) [*HR], Lighting Artist, Matchmove Artist, Modelling Artist, Previs & Layout Artist, Producer, Production Assistant, Production Coordinator, Production Manager [*Production / Manager], Rigging Artist, Scene Assembly Artist, Storyboard Artist, Surfacing Artist, Talent Coordinator, Technical Animator [* Technical / Animator], Technical Directors (TD) [* Technical / Directors], Texture & Shading Artist
Visual designColour, Form, Line, Shape, Texture, Value
Composition PrinciplesAmplify, Balance, Colour harmony & tension [*Colour / harmony / tension], Contrast, Emphasis Modify, Movement, Proportion, Readability, Repetition, Rhythm (Tilts, twists, angles), Simplify, Space (Spacing), Static, Simple & Geometric (shapes), Stylising, Unification harmony [*harmony]
CompaniesAxis Studios (Axis Studios group) [*Axis / Studios], Blue Sky (Blue Sky Studios), Disney (Walt Disney Studios), DreamWorks (DreamWorks Pictures / Animation), Illumination (Illumination Entertainment), Netflix, Paramount (Paramount Animation), Pixar (Pixar Animation Studios), Sony (Sony Pictures Animation), Studio Ghibli, Warner Bros (Warner Bros. Animation / Warner Bros. Entertainment)

Table 1 lists Animation and Games terms from Appendix 1 and compares them to signs available in the BSL Sign Language Dictionary ( The definitions on SignBSL may not align precisely with those used in Animation/Games. Each term was reviewed and refined during the moderation process to ensure accuracy. Incomplete or partial signs could lead to confusion, necessitating the creation of specific signs for Animation/Games terms for clarity.

Appendix 1 – List of highlighted 122 Animation/Games terms.

No.Broader term (taxonomy)Narrow term (taxonomy)
2 Anime
3 Art (general context)
4 Calligraphy
5 Cartoon
6 Comics
7 Concept
8 Designing the life cycle
9 Drawing (Contextual)
10 Layout
11 Location
12 Models
13 Production process
14 Puppets
15 Shot-based designs of effects
16 WIP (Work-in-progress)
17FilmmakingComped frame
18 Script
19 Shot
20CG (Computer Generated) termsColour keys
21 Composition (Comp)
22 DMP (Digital Matte Painting)
23 Groom
24 Installation
25 Lighting, Rendering & Compositing (LRC)
26 Macro level
27 Multi-Frame Display (MFD) scene illustration
28 Palette
29 Pipeline (Animation pipeline)
30 Platforms
31 Pre-grade
32 Previs / Pre-vis (Previsualisation)
33 Props
34 R&D (Research and Development)
35 Rendering
36 Surface
37 Visual Effects (VFX)
38Types of CG (Computer Generated) lightingLighting
39 3-point lighting setup method
40 Ambient Lighting
41 Ambient Occlusion (AO)
42 Area Lighting
43 Directional Lighting
44 Global Illumination (GI)
45 Point Lighting
46 Spot Lighting
47Departments / teamsArt department
48 CFX (Character FX)
49 Edit/ Editorial team
50 Pipeline & R&D (team)
51 Production team
52 Rigging
53 Technical Directors (TD) team
54Animation rolesAnimator
55 Art Director
56 Assistant Editor
57 CFX (Character Effects) Artist
58 CG (Computer Generated) Supervisor
59 Character Artist
60 Compositor (VFX – Visual effects)
61 Concept Artist
62 Crew Coordinator
63 Desktop Support
64 Developer
65 Digital Marketing Apprentice
66 Director
67 DMP (Digital Matte Painter) Artist
68 Editor
69 Executive Producer
70 Facilities Assistant
71 FX (Effects) Artist
72 Groom Artist
73 HR Assistant
74 Lighting Artist
75 Matchmove Artist
76 Modelling Artist
77 Previs & Layout Artist
78 Producer
79 Production Assistant
80 Production Coordinator
81 Production Manager
82 Rigging Artist
83 Scene Assembly Artist
84 Storyboard Artist
85 Surfacing Artist
86 Talent Coordinator
87 Technical Animator
88 Technical Directors (TD)
89 Texture & Shading Artist
90Visual designColour
91 Form
92 Line
93 Shape
94 Texture
95 Value
96Composition PrinciplesAmplify
97 Balance
98 Colour harmony & tension
99 Contrast
100 Emphasis
101 Modify
102 Movement
103 Proportion
104 Readability
105 Repetition
106 Rhythm (Tilts, twists, angles)
107 Simplify
108 Space (Spacing)
109 Static, Simple & Geometric (shapes)
110 Stylising
111 Unification harmony
112Animation companiesAxis Studios (Axis Studios group)
113 Blue Sky (Blue Sky Studios)
114 Disney (Walt Disney Studios)
115 DreamWorks (DreamWorks Pictures / Animation)
116 Illumination (Illumination Entertainment)
117 Netflix
118 Paramount (Paramount Animation)
119 Pixar (Pixar Animation Studios)
120 Sony (Sony Pictures Animation)
121 Studio Ghibli
122 Warner Bros (Warner Bros. Animation / Warner Bros. Entertainment)