- Wednesday 1330-1530: Graph and Concept-based Inference
- Session Chair: Tom Hanika
- Christian Sacarea, Diana Șotropa and Diana Troanca – Using analogical complexes to improve human reasoning and decision making in Electronic Health Record Systems
- Mohamed-Hamza Ibrahim and Rokia Missaoui – An Efficient Approximation of Concept Stability using Low-Discrepancy Sampling
- Tanya Braun and Ralf Moeller – Lifted Most Probable Explanation
- Marcel Gehrke, Tanya Braun and Ralf Möller – Lifted Dynamic Junction Tree Algorithm
- Wednesday 1900-2300: Conference dinner at Murrayfield Stadium (Joint with Diagrams)
- Thursday 0900-1030: Empirical Studies and Cognition (Joint with Diagrams)
- Session Chair: Dominik Endres
- Uta Priss – Combining and Contrasting Formal Concept Analysis
and APOS Theory
- Thursday 1100-1230: Modelling Human Cognition
- Session Chair: Diana Sotropa
- Carlos Agon, Moreno Andreatta, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch and Pierre Mascarade Relaño – Musical Descriptions based on Formal Concept Analysis and Mathematical Morphology
- Tom Hanika and Jens Zumbrägel – Towards Collaborative Conceptual Exploration
- Simon Polovina and Mark van Rosing – Using Conceptual Structures in Enterprise Architecture to develop a new Way of Thinking and Working for Organisations
- Levente Lorand Lis, Christian Sacarea and Diana Șotropa – Visualizing Conceptual Structures Using FCA Tools Bundle
- Anne-Roos Bakker and Leonie Bosveld-De Smet – Node-Link Diagrams as Lenses for Organizational Knowledge Sharing on a Social Business Platform.
- Thursday 1400-1530: Empirical Studies and Cognition (Joint with Diagrams)
- Session Chair: Alan Blackwell
- Moritz Schubert and Dominik Endres – Empirically validating the mathematical similarity model of Geist, Lengnink and Wille
- Thursday 1530-1630: Poster Session
- Thursday 1630-1730: Keynote 1 (Joint with Diagrams)
- Session Chair: Peter Chapman
- Keith Stenning – Diagrams and Non-Monotonic Logic: What is the Cognitive Relation?
- Friday 1100-1200: Keynote 2
- Session Chair: Uta Priss
- Pascal Hitzler – Modular Ontologies As A Bridge Between Human Conceptualization and Data
- Friday 1330-1530: Graph Visualization
- Session Chair: Diana Troanca
- Simon Andrews – A Visual Analytics Technique for Exploring Gene Expression in the Developing Mouse Embryo
- Bruno Yun, Rallou Thomopoulos, Pierre Bisquert and Madalina Croitoru -Defining argumentation attacks in practice: an experiment in food packaging consumer expectations
- Viorica Varga, Christian Sacarea and Andrea É. Molnár – Conceptual Graphs Based Modeling of Semi-Structured Data
- Cristina Nica, Agnès Braud and Florence Le Ber – Exploring Heterogeneous Sequential Data on River Networks with Relational Concept Analysis