A Research Vision: Continuity of Midwifery Care

Written by Yvonne Kuipers


We, Yvonne Kuipers, Alix Aitken-Arbuckle, Kathryn Hardie, Amy Corrigan and Holly Jenkins, are a group of active researchers, in various stages of research careers and with individual publication output. We have a shared interest and passion for Continuity of Midwifery Care (CMC). Apart from our well-read newsletter about CMC evidence, we have little in the way of a shared CMC strategy or plan. We received Research culture funding to transition from researchers to a CMC research group, generating a research vision and mission with an adjacent research agenda. This project offers an opportunity to instigate a group leading CMC research and tie this project to the midwifery curriculum, the wider school and university agendas and to midwifery practice and politics.


We organised two kick-start events seeking a collaborative perspective on a CMC research vision, mission, and research topics/ questions. The 24 attendees all shared an interest in CMC. They came from different places in Scotland and had different expertise and professional backgrounds. The morning program of the event consisted of sharing past and ongoing research and best practice examples, providing an overview of what is already known and what is unknown. In the afternoon the attendees brainstormed – based on Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle – in subgroups about what should drive the CMC research agenda (why do CMC research?) and what should be achieved by it. The brainstorm ideas were discussed in a subsequent plenary discussion. The attendees brainstormed about research topics and research questions that they thought were relevant, important, and changeable (how should we do CMC research?).

Set-up conference room with tables and a screen

Outcomes/ next steps

We have gained a breadth of information that will be used to generate and publish a sustainable implementation strategy with a multi-actor collaborative research vision, mission, and research topics.  The research topics will drive our funding application and PhD studentship. We have high hopes for future CMC research.


“The event made hopeful, supported and part of a team of enthusiastic leaders across Scotland”!!

“Having the time and space (and chocolate!) to have meaningful conversations with colleagues from across Scotland and to not feel alone with this challenge”.

“Collectively recognising what research is not out there around continuity which needs to be”!

“Highlight was my thoughts were echoed around the room”.

“The opportunity to discuss continuity of midwifery care with people in positions to affect change”.