All posts by sukanlayasawang

Minority but mighty: showcasing the sustainability practices of minority businesses

 17th April 2024
 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

We’re delighted to extend our invitation to you for our upcoming event, “Minority but Mighty,” where we’ll shine a spotlight on the sustainability practices of minority-owned businesses. Hosted by Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SIG Entrepreneurship in Minority), and Centre for Business Innovations and Sustainable Solutions (CBISS), Edinburgh Napier University. At “Minority but Mighty,” we’ll celebrate the innovative solutions minority enterprises have implemented to contribute to a more sustainable future. Join us as we delve into strategies successfully employed by minority-owned small businesses, explore industries where minority entrepreneurs are making significant strides, and discuss the transformative impact minority business enterprises have had.

Please click here to register.

Unlocking Sustainability: A Guide to the Circular Economy for SMEs

Date: Wednesday 10th April 2024

8.30am breakfast networking
9.00am – 11.00am workshop
Location: The Business School Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus  Room CRL 2/09 (Level 2) 219 Colinton Rd, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ

Ready to take your business to the next level with the circular economy? Join us for an exclusive workshop hosted by the Edinburgh Napier Business School and the Centre for Business Innovation and Sustainable Solutions (CBISS).

This engaging and interactive workshop is designed specifically for forward-thinking SMEs ready to pioneer the circular economy. You’ll gain actionable strategies and insights on embedding sustainable practices into your core business model, perfectly aligning with ambitious global Net Zero goals.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Expert-Led Sessions
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Real-Life Case Studies
  • Resource Optimization Strategies
  • Policy Support and Incentives

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your business and lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Register now and unlock the potential of the circular economy for your business!

Register Here

Unlocking Sustainability: A Guide to the Circular Economy for SMEs

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, sustainability has become a key focus for businesses of all sizes. One concept that has gained significant attention in recent years is the circular economy. But what exactly is the circular economy, and how can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) benefit from adopting this approach?

What is the Circular Economy?

At its core, the circular economy is a regenerative approach to resource management. Unlike the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take-make-dispose” model, the circular economy aims to minimise waste and maximise resource efficiency by keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible.

In a circular economy, resources are reused, repurposed, and recycled, creating a closed-loop system that reduces environmental impact and promotes sustainability. This shift towards circularity is driven by the recognition that our current linear economic model is unsustainable in the long term, leading to resource depletion, pollution, and climate change.

What Does it Mean for SMEs?

For SMEs, embracing the principles of the circular economy presents a unique opportunity to drive innovation, reduce costs, and enhance competitiveness. By adopting circular practices, SMEs can:

  1. Minimise Waste: By designing products with longevity and recyclability in mind, SMEs can reduce waste throughout the product lifecycle.
  2. Maximise Resource Efficiency: By embracing practices such as remanufacturing, refurbishment, and recycling, SMEs can extract more value from existing resources and minimise the need for virgin materials.
  3. Reduce Environmental Impact: By reducing reliance on finite resources and minimising carbon emissions, SMEs can contribute to environmental sustainability and combat climate change.
  4. Enhance Brand Image: Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of the products they purchase. By adopting circular practices, SMEs can differentiate themselves in the market and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

How Can SMEs Adopt the Circular Economy Approach?

Transitioning to a circular economy model may seem daunting, but there are practical steps that SMEs can take to embrace this approach:

  1. Rethink Product Design: Design products with durability, reparability, and recyclability in mind to extend their lifespan and minimise waste.
  2. Embrace Reuse and Recycling: Explore opportunities to reuse materials, components, and products within your supply chain, and implement recycling programmes to minimise waste.
  3. Collaborate with Stakeholders: Partner with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to close the loop and create circular value chains.
  4. Invest in Innovation: Explore innovative technologies and business models that enable circularity, such as product-as-a-service and sharing platforms.
  5. Educate and Engage Employees: Foster a culture of sustainability within your organisation by educating employees about the principles of the circular economy and empowering them to take action.

Join Us for a Transformative Workshop

Ready to take your business to the next level with the circular economy? Join us for an exclusive workshop hosted by the Edinburgh Napier Business School and the Centre for Business Innovation and Sustainable Solutions (CBISS).

This engaging and interactive workshop is designed specifically for forward-thinking SMEs ready to pioneer the circular economy. You’ll gain actionable strategies and insights on embedding sustainable practices into your core business model, perfectly aligning with ambitious global Net Zero goals.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Expert-Led Sessions
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Real-Life Case Studies
  • Resource Optimization Strategies
  • Policy Support and Incentives

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your business and lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Register now and unlock the potential of the circular economy for your business!

Register Here

Contact person: Associate Professor Miles Weaver

Exploring Visual AI Humanoids: How They’re Changing Our World

"Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning" by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning” by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

In today’s high-tech world, mixing artificial intelligence (AI) with robots is creating some amazing new things. One of the coolest inventions is visual AI humanoids – robots that can see and think a bit like humans, but in their own robotic way. These robots are super smart and can do lots of things, which is great news for businesses and society.

Understanding Visual AI Humanoids

Visual AI humanoids are robots with clever AI brains that can see what’s around them. They have special cameras and smart computer programs that help them understand what they see. They’re good at recognising objects, understanding gestures, and talking to people.

Great Opportunities for Businesses

Visual AI humanoids, a fusion of artificial intelligence and robotics, are reshaping our society in remarkable ways, offering new possibilities for businesses and industries. These robots can assist customers in stores, improve manufacturing efficiency, refine advertising strategies, and enhance healthcare services.

In retail, they greet customers, offer assistance, and facilitate transactions, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Within manufacturing, they undertake tasks such as quality control and inventory management, collaborating with human employees to streamline operations. In advertising, they assess consumer preferences to deliver tailored messages, enhancing engagement. Within healthcare, they aid medical professionals by monitoring patients and providing assistance during procedures, leading to improved patient care.

Benefits for Everyone

Visual AI robots can help people who struggle with daily tasks due to disabilities. They make places more accessible for them, making life easier. These robots also help keep public areas safe by watching out for potential dangers and alerting authorities if needed.

Moreover, they’re great for teaching kids in a fun way. They can make learning enjoyable by playing and interacting with children, helping them learn better. Overall, these robots are helpful in various situations and can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Facing Challenges

Despite the promising capabilities of visual AI humanoids, there are valid concerns that warrant attention. The potential invasion of privacy and the ethical implications of their actions raise significant questions about their widespread adoption. It is imperative to carefully assess the consequences of integrating these robots into various aspects of society, considering the potential risks and unintended consequences they may bring. Additionally, the dependence on visual AI humanoids could potentially lead to job displacement and exacerbate existing inequalities in society. Therefore, while acknowledging their potential benefits, it is essential to approach the deployment of visual AI humanoids with caution and foresight, ensuring that ethical and societal considerations are given due diligence.

Get Involved 

If you’re interested in discovering how emerging technology, data analytics, and progressive policies are shaping your industry, why not subscribe and join CBISS? You can connect with us on Twitter @mycbiss or LinkedIn . Our researchers at CBISS are conducting exciting work and are keen to share their insights with you. Join us to learn and collaborate!

Empower Your Business: A Mini-Sprint Workshop for SMEs with Funding Opportunities

Wed 28 Feb 2024 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM GMT

Are you a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) owner or manager grappling with business challenges? Are you looking for innovative solutions and support to overcome these hurdles? We have just the right opportunity for you! Join us in our dynamic, interactive workshop where we employ a mini-sprint approach to help you uncover potential solutions.

The Mini-Sprint Approach

Our workshop employs a mini-sprint method, inspired by Google Ventures Sprint. This condensed version of the one day process is tailored specifically for SMEs, providing rapid, targeted solutions to your business problems.

Why Should You Attend?

Innovative Problem Solving: Harness the power of collaboration, creativity, and rapid problem-solving to transform your business challenges into opportunities.

Resource Optimisation: Learn how to navigate and utilise government funding and university knowledge to your advantage.

Networking Opportunity: Connect with other SME owners and managers, share experiences and build valuable relationships.

Who Should Attend? 

SME owners and managers who are encountering challenges across various business functions. Whether you’re struggling with marketing strategies, IT implementation, fostering creativity, strategic management, human resources, employment relations, finance management, logistics, adoption of emerging technology, or cultivating leadership and a positive culture, this workshop is tailored for you.

If you’re seeking innovative solutions to these complex problems and ready to elevate your business to new heights, do not miss out on this opportunity. Join us and transform your challenges into opportunities for growth.

What’s In It For You?

Targeted Problem Solving: Whether your challenges lie in marketing, IT, HR, finance, logistics, emerging technology adoption, leadership or culture, our workshop is designed to address them all. Our experienced facilitators guide you through a focused process to identify, analyse and tackle your most pressing issues.

Government Funding Insight: We’ll walk you through various government funding opportunities that can provide financial support to your problem-solving initiatives. Learn how to access and maximize these resources to bolster your business.

University Knowledge Utilisation: Discover how to leverage academic expertise for the benefit of your business. We’ll show you how to tap into university knowledge bases to support your solutions and drive innovation in your enterprise.

Register here